



The Resources of the Association consist of:

a) The lump subscription fee and the mandatory regular and special contributions paid by the regular and associate members, which are determined by the General Assembly following a recommendation of the Board of Directors.

b) The proceeds earned from the movable and immovable property of the Association and

c) The proceeds earned from various activities and events, from donations, legacies, bequests, and from the voluntary contributions of members.

It is prohibited to accept donations made anonymously.

The figure of the registration fee and that of the compulsory regular or special contributions of the members is determined by the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Board and the decision is taken by at least the two fifths (2 / 5) of the Members who have fulfilled their financial obligations towards the Association.

The financial year of the Association is in line with the calendar year.





For the well-functioning of the Association and its legitimate financial management it is compulsory to keep the following listed books, which must be numbered and certified by the Clerk of the First Instance Court in Athens or any other competent authority:

a) Register of the Members Book: The Association is obliged to keep a special book, which contains the register of the members. In the Register Book appear in ascending order the corporate name, address, year of establishment of the company, nationality and date of registration to and deletion from the Association.

b) Minute -book of the meetings of the General Assembly.

c) Minute -book of the meetings of the Board of Directors.

d) Minute -book of the meetings of the Audit Committee.

e) Cash-book, in which all the receipts and payments are listed in chronological order.

f) Asset-book in which all the movable and immovable assets of the Association are listed.

g) A book in which the names of the members of the Association for which a special election book has been issued are registered in numerical order. The record number in this book is the number of the special election book of each Member. In the same book the date of the decision of the Board for the issuance of the election book, the date of issuance and the date of loss or cancellation of the special election book are recorded. In case of loss of the special election book the number of the new book is indicated. Also, in a special column it is indicated the name of any second primary organisation to which the member might be a member.)

Apart from the above-mentioned books, the Association must keep any other accounting or management books, which its financial situation necessitates in order to achieve accounting and administrative completeness and integrity, together with  cash receipt vouchers and payment receipts, which are numbered, certified by the Chairman of the Audit Commission or the Deputy- Chairman  before their use. Furthermore, the Association must keep any other books and records required by any legal provision.

The Members of the Association have the right to be informed of the contents of these books and references. The Members of the Association are given a special election book for the exercise of their electoral rights, which may contain a general and a specific number.




1. Voluntary dissolution: The Association can always be dissolved by a decision of the Assembly members, obtained under the exceptional provisions for quorum and majority contained in Article 9 of the present Memorandum. A copy of the decision is served by the Chairman of the Assembly to the First Instance Court of Athens within a month of the decision-making. The dissolution of the Association occurs as soon as the decision of the Assembly is filed in the Registry of the First Instance Court of Athens.

2. Liquidation and liquidators: As soon as the Association is dissolved, it, de jure enters, the stage of liquidation. During the stage of liquidation the Association is considered to be in existence for and until the liquidation is over. According to the law the members of the Board of Directors, who were responsible for the administration of the Association at the time of its dissolution, are in charge of the process of its liquidation, unless the General Assembly decides otherwise and by its resolution about the dissolution of the Association appoints one or more liquidators.

The liquidators, after the process of liquidation is over, are obliged to submit a report to their supervising Authority, naming the steps they took to liquidate the outstanding property of the Association.

3. Term of Liquidation: The duration of the stage of liquidation shall not exceed one year, unless the Court of First Instance allows an extension lead of another three months.

4. The fate of the Associations’ assets after liquidation: The General Assembly will decide the way of assignment of any net capital which will accrue after the payment of any outstanding debts and the vending of any movable and immovable assets of the Association.



In order to realize the objectives of the Association, the Board of Directors, with the assent of the General Assembly, may decide to set up and establish offices and other departments of the Association, in cities, other than the seat of the Association, in Greece or abroad. The presence of one third of the members of the Association, who decide by an absolute majority, is required in order for the General Assembly to validly assent for the establishment of a branch office of the Association.



1. The regulations adopted by the General Assembly of the Association may regulate issues relating merely to the internal workings of the Association.

2. Those regulations come into force as soon as their copies are deposited to the Registry of the First Instance Court of Athens.


The seal of the Society is cyclical and in the peripheral zone it bears the name and year of its establishment and in the centre the depiction of Hermes.



The General Assembly of the Association, following a proposal by the Board of Directors recognizes and declares Donors of the Association, those who donate funds or other items to the Association, whose value amounts from one hundred thousand (100,000) up to five hundred thousand (500,000) drachmas and Benefactors of the Association those who donate larger amounts.

The Donors and Benefactors are being recorded in a special book. Donations and beneficences made by those who are involved in politics are prohibited.


This Memorandum of Association, which consists of 22 articles, after it was amended and the amendments were approved by the Extraordinary General Assembly convened for this purpose, will be in force, as amended, after registering the present amendments in the official Book of Associations held by the First Instance Court of Athens.

Athens, 24th November 1997