



An Association – Primary Professional Organization under the name “Association of Members of the Athens Exchanges” is established hereby, with headquarters in the city of Athens, governed by the provisions of the present Statutes, Law 1712/1987 and the Civil Code.



1. General Objectives:

The General objectives of the Association are:

a) The study, protection and promotion of ethical, economic and professional interests of its members and the development of a culture of communication and mutual cooperation among its members, in favour of the Capital Market.

b) The design, promotion, support and contribution to the issues of interest of the members of the ATHEX, with the aim to contribute to their development and to respond to their individual functions.

c) The promotion of the financial market so as the wider public to comprehend the crucial role it plays in a liberated and thriving society.


2. Specific Objectives:

Within the context of the above-mentioned general objectives, the specific objectives of the Association are:

a) The design, promotion and support of the issues relating to the regulated stock markets and the capital market, dealing with which contributes to growth.

b) The representation of the members of the Association (in councils, committees, organizations, associations, etc.) in Greece and abroad in connection with the objectives pursued by the Association.

c) The development of activities in order to inform its members on issues of their concern, primarily by setting up the appropriate information systems.

d) The examination of the laws and the regulations of the State and the Public Authorities and the impact of their implementation on the Association’s members and the submission of the appropriate recommendations when necessary.

e) The cooperation with the relevant Authorities in order to improve the institutional framework governing the exercise and the development of the activities related to the capital market, as well as the adaptation of that framework to the EU regulations.

f) The establishment of uniform rules and procedures governing the provision of investment services and their ongoing modernization and adaptation to the international practices.

g) The promotion of new forms of investment services and products that will contribute to the development of the Greek economy, the modernization of the transactions, the accommodation of the investors, utilizing the new technological achievements and the experience of the international system.

h) The promotion of the necessary measures to improve productivity of the Greek regulated markets in the capital market.

i) The promotion of measures in order to improve the training of the employees of the Association’s Members, by developing every form of educational activities, by the participation in events organized in Greece and abroad, by the publication of the appropriate reference books and articles and by the provision of assistance in establishing the appropriate bodies to fulfil the above.

j) The enlightenment of the members of the Association regarding social and labour issues and issues of human resources management.

k) The contribution to the development of the Greek economy also by encouraging relevant studies, by proposing concrete measures to the authorities and the trade unions and by promoting the cooperation with those unions.

l) The cooperation with other associations of members of foreign exchanges, with the institutions of the European Union and the international organizations which are designed to promote capital market issues, in order to advance the positions of the Association and its members and to promote the liaison with the international environment.

3. Means:

The Association shall make use of all the appropriate legal means in order to achieve the objectives described in the previous two paragraphs.